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What You Get

Why Work At Camp?


Build your resumé with marketable skills you need to thrive in the future:

  • Communication, Teamwork and Collaboration
  • Problem-Solving and Adaptability
  • Public Speaking
  • Group and Behavior Management
  • Decision Making
  • Program and Educational Design
  • Creative Thinking
  • Leadership and Confidence

Business leaders truly value these skills that you gain in abundance at camp. You’ll walk away at the end of the summer with marketable skills and a sharper personal toolkit compared to many of your peers who took internships or straightforward office jobs. We will help you translate your work at camp into an impressive resumé that will wow future employers in any field.

We Invest in You


At Tel Yehudah, we empower you to take the reins and make an impact. When you return to camp for additional summers, we aim to provide new challenges and opportunities to stretch your skill set and impact camp. Each year you return, you will have greater opportunity to contribute to new areas of camp, both as a part of your role at camp, as well as for the camp program at large. We look to returning staff to manage and spearhead the ‘extras’ – parts of the program that are central to the summer experience, but can’t happen without staff who take responsibility to make them great. Examples include Tsevet Kef (staff fun activities), Friday Night Oneg (weekly staff performance), Bunk Life Programming, special days, and others based on your ideas and interests.

We also seek out professional development opportunities to offer dedicated, returning staff that will not only positively impact you in your role at camp, but will also provide valuable development that will be relevant to whatever you do beyond the summer.

  • Foundation for Jewish Camp’s Cornerstone Fellowship – Counselors and specialists returning for second and third summers can be nominated for this Fellowship by camp. Camp’s cohort of fellows participates in a week-long training seminar, along with many other Jewish camps from around North America, to learn from professionals in the field, improve skills, and gain overall enrichment. Fellows will embark on a summer project to implement and affect change at camp.
  • Bringing Israel to Camp Fellowship – Camp selects fellows for this cohort program sponsored by the iCenter for Israel Education (formerly known as the Goodman Camping Initiative). The program supports camp and its fellows in a process to discover unique and immersive ways to engage with Israel and its culture through activities and experiences the cohort will develop and implement during the summer.

If you find other development programs or opportunities that you think you’ll benefit from, contact us to find out if camp can sponsor you!

Earn College Credit

Many universities offer internship credit in various fields like parks and recreation, education, child development, tourism, etc. Internships at camp include hundreds of hours of hands-on experience working directly with kids and other tasks If earning college credit is a priority, consult with someone from your school for more information and let us know how we can help!

More Perks

  • Housing and Meals – You don’t have to pay for a thing! All our staff live on site and get three meals a day, plus snack. In the outside world, these items can really add up – at camp you’ll save money and keep your whole paycheck!
  • Staff Lounge – Staff-only space with couches, air conditioning, pool table, foosball tables, satellite TV, DVD player, computers with internet access, high-speed Wi-Fi internet, landline telephones, board games, workout equipment, and plenty of space to relax and chill.
  • Tsevet Kef (Staff Fun) – Camp sponsors multiple fun activities during each week for staff to kick back and enjoy: wings and trivia, karaoke night, pool parties, make your own sushi, pizza parties, spa night, and more. FOOD is always involved!
  • Laundry – We have laundry facilities on both sides of camp with multiple machines for washing and drying, so you can keep your clothes clean all summer long. We also offer the opportunity for staff to send out laundry with our campers for a small fee.
  • Work Space & Internet – Internet access is available to all staff members. There are facilities spread around camp with computers, internet, and printers
  • Travel and Fun – As a part of our trip programs, staff will get to accompany teens to cool, nearby attractions (depending on position and age group), such as: beautiful state parks, New York City, Washington, DC, Philadelphia, the County Fair, amusement parks, Bethel Woods Center for the Arts (the site of the Woodstock Festival), baseball games, rafting and more!
  • Certifications – Some staff will receive certifications from American Red Cross and other accreditation organizations, such as CPR, First Aid, Lifeguarding. These certifications are paid for by camp as a part of your summer role, but are totally useful for other endeavors you might pursue after the summer.
  • Free Training – Our staff training program teaches skills that are valuable for your future and provides meaningful experience to build your resumé

Still need more reasons to work at TY? Read below: