Another amazing summer has come to an end. The dirty socks have all been washed and school is about to begin once again. As you prepare for the new year, here is how you can extend the TY experience throughout the winter months and beyond:
- Get involved in (or start) Young Judaea Teens in your area. Experience the magic of Young Judaea all year long as you connect with camp friends as well as new friends from your community and around the country. We offer various programs throughout the year that allow you to explore your Jewish identity and love of Israel, while honing your leadership skills, making a positive impact on the world around you and having fun!
- Post your favorite camp pictures on Instagram on #TYTuesday (other days are fine, too), make a TikTok video, and tell everyone on Facebook about your awesome summer in Barryville. Tag us so we can feel the love and maybe we’ll even re-post on our official accounts (credit to be given, of course). #12719 for life.
- Invite all your friends from TY for a sleepover in your backyard and pretend it’s Gimmel (or Fimmel).
- Teach your parents ALL of the hand motions to Birkat Hamazon.
- Teach your friends at school the moves to Saturday night rikud.
- Download Noah Wilker songs from iTunes.
- Start a countdown to next summer at Tel Yehudah or, if you are entering 12th grade, get ready for Gesher Leadership and Gesher Israel.