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Kir Ha’Ahava

Did you meet your loved one or best friend in Young Judaea or at Tel Yehudah?


Are you a multi-generational Young Judaea family?

For generations, Young Judaea and Tel Yehudah have helped create life long loving relationships.  Friendships have flourished and been sustained. Couples have fallen for one another.  And new generations have sprouted.  Celebrate your love, your friendships and your families by dedicating a plaque on the Young Judaea Kir Ha’Ahava (Wall of Love) at Tel Yehudah.

The new Kir Ha’Ahava is located in the new Sifriyah and Educational Center which was dedicated at the end of the summer of 2019. It serves as a living testimony to the power of relationships built on Judaean foundations.  Reserve your spot on the wall by ordering a plaque today.  (All names will also be listed on the new Kir Ha’Ahava website.)

Small plaques: $360 – Two names (For couples and best friends)

Large plaques :$720 – Two or more names (For families and groups of friends)

Funds raised via this initiative will be allocated towards scholarships to Tel Yehudah.

To order your Kir Ha’Ahava plaque, complete the form below and submit your payment.  We will contact you to get exact language for your plaque: