Closing Ceremony Speeches – Hadracha

posted by on Jul 21, 2017

For our Closing Ceremony, chanichim (campers) from each chug (group) shared their final reflections with the entire camp. These powerful speeches are posted below:


Written by: Rosie G.


One of the most interesting parts of our time in Hadracha are the tikun groups we all participated in. Tikun means to fix. We chose groups with topics we feel strongly about so that we can try to fix those issues.

I was in the refugee tikun group, where we studied the issue and talked in depth about the refugee crisis facing different regions of the world. As we talked about the issue, we focused mostly on the Syrian refugee crisis and the travel ban that was recently put in place making it more difficult for refugees to come into America.

Learning about people running away from their homes made me really realize how lucky I am to have TY. Because Tel Yehudah is my home, and a place that I don’t run away from, but a place I run to.

The experience of learning about other’s suffering and what I can do to help has opened my eyes to real problems that go on around the world. I know that all of my friends, whether they were learning about the environment, domestic violence, Israel, LGBT rights or any other issue, will take what they have learned here at TY and continue the work at home. I personally plan to research more about the refugee issue and try to see what I can do to help. I will take the skills taught to me at camp to help make the world a better place. In Hadracha, we learned how to not just sing Ani V’ata N’shaneh Et Ha’olam, but to make it a reality.


Written by: Seth A.


As many of you know, this is my first year at TY. I have gone to CYJ Texas for seven consecutive years, but this year my trip to TY was a lot longer than the usual 45 minute drive to Wimberly from Austin.

Not only did I spend a lot of time traveling so far north, we then got on buses and headed three hours south to Washington, D. C. This trip was the highlight of my camp experience. First of all, we got to advocate for a cause that we are passionate about. Most kids my age can’t say they saw a problem in their community, went to Congress, and tried to get the people with power to actually do something about it. Going on that trip and speaking to our representatives put us in the very small percentage of Americans who have taken the time and energy to try to really make a difference.

Also spread throughout the trip were several visits to world famous museums and monuments. It was very powerful to be able to reflect on our country’s past as we attempted to make sure it has a great future.

The best part though, was the people I was with. Coming to TY, I only knew three or four people, many of whom I hadn’t seen in a long time. But now, finishing my Hadracha year, I have another family. People who I met just a short four weeks ago will be my friends for life. Our bond is more than at home or at other camps, because here you’re not just sharing a cabin and meals with people, we shared an experience of trying to make the world a better place. I know that just like our friendships, the causes we are passionate about will also stick with us as we move into the future.


Written by: Roney K.


Over the past three years, I have learned so much and made friends that will last a lifetime. With all due respect to Alumim and Yachad, Hadracha was definitely the most amazing session out of the five I’ve spent at Tel Yehudah.

In Hadracha, we focus on who we are as leaders and what leadership means in a community. Over the past four weeks, all of us living in Machane Bet have become leaders who know that we have what it takes to make a difference in camp and in the world. Whether it was planning Maccabiah, or leading activities like Tzedakapaloozah, we acquired skills on leadership that we were also able to put into practice.

This might be my final session at Camp Tel Yehudah, but I know the leadership tools we learned at camp will stay with us for the rest of our lives as we go out and become leaders in our various home communities. I know I speak for all of us when I say we can’t wait to see what our leadership can accomplish, and we also can’t wait to head to Israel next summer on Machon 2018!

Letiferet Tel Yehudah Ve’Medinat Yisrael!