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Refer a Camper: Save $1000

No one knows better the life-changing impact of a summer at Tel Yehudah than our teens and their families. Help us spread the word about Tel Yehudah so that more Jewish teens can broaden their horizons, make new friends from around the world, deepen their connection to Israel and the Jewish People, become tomorrow’s leaders and change the world.

Now, you can help ensure that more Jewish teens have the TY experience by referring campers AND save $1000 off of tuition for every teen you refer that attends at least four weeks and $500 for every teen who attends just Second Session.*   And your friends may be eligible for up to $1000 off of their tuition as well.** 

Need a little help telling your friends all about Tel Yehudah?  Provide us their information below and we will send them information about Tel Yehudah and follow up with a phone call.

*Referred campers cannot have previously attended any other Young Judaea camp.

**Incentive grants – up to $1000 – are available for any teen who has never attended Jewish sleep-away camp. For more information, visit