The Wall (Not the One You’re Thinking Of!)
Written by: Jonah P.
This week, our chug had the opportunity to do Low Ropes, a series of elements that challenge a bunk to work as a team in order to succeed. The hardest element in Low Ropes is “The Wall” a tall wall that has nothing to hold onto when climbing. Every member of the bunk must reach the top and climb over, with only help of the members of the bunk. I’m pretty afraid of falling, so I originally thought that I would try to avoid this activity, but with the encouragement from my bunk mates, I decided to give it a try. Two people lifted me up above them, and two people grabbed me from the top and pulled me over. Everyone cheered – I had just overcome a challenge I never thought I’d be able to.
Thinking about this experience, I pondered how I would not have been able to get over the wall without the support, help, and encouragement of my bunk mates and the counselors. The activity brought our bunk closer together, and it boosted my self-confidence. This Shabbat, I know our bunk will be a little closer than we were yesterday. Shabbat shalom!