Leading the Team
Written by: Rivke G.
Camp is, as you’ve probably heard ten billion times by now, so much fun! Being in Hadracha, I had the (honor? privilege? agonizing burden?) of helping to organize Maccabia, which was an experience in and of itself. (We will not get into how I literally cried when my sister was elected captain of the red team.) But as one of the campers in the oldest age group, to lead my team was an amazing feeling.
Sure, we lost in the end, and sure, I may have possibly kind of cried, but I would do it over again ten times and then ten more. The experience of seeing my little sister in Alumim for more than Shabbat, to have a day to get competitive and to scream (I can still barely talk), and to lead was so much fun. It is something I will always treasure.
Before Maccabia, Hadracha was told that no matter what team wins, Hadracha itself either wins or loses, meaning that it is our responsibility to make this day amazing. I thought it was just a cheesy sentiment, but it was too right. On July 5th, 2017, Hadracha won.