Sharing Culture and Expressing Identity with Music

posted by on Mar 6, 2018

Among music’s many attributes, one we think about a lot at Tel Yehudah is its ability to bring us together. As a combined community of teens from small towns and big cities, from the east coast or west, from America and Israel, music has the power to connect what otherwise might feel like disparate cultures.

Under the direction of Israeli producer Rami Carmel and American singer/songwriter Noah Music-Studio-Picture.jpgWilker, in the Music Studio intensive, part of our new 2-week intensive programs, teens get to experience how music can help them connect with people who are different from themselves and with a culture that is far away from their own.

On a daily basis, teens will arrange, record, and perform their own music—a way not just to enjoy their own art, but to uncover and express their own voice and identity. As they come together, sharing their musical talents and their heritage, they become creators not just of new music but of new culture infused with modern Israeli, Jewish and Middle Eastern music.

While remaining focused on their music, teens also get to enjoy everything they love about summer camp, including sports and arts, Israel education programs, Shabbat, nature, and spending time with their friends.

Participants get to enjoy guitar classes with Noah Wilker, vocal and instrumental lessons with Rami Carmel, and an introduction to sound engineering, including how to operate studio equipment. When they complete the 2-week Music Studio intensive, teens will feel the richness of collaborations with other musicians and the confidence in their own abilities.