For the Love of Camp Away From Camp

posted by on Aug 16, 2018

One of the most amazing camp experiences this year didn’t even take place at camp. Trip week began a day before we boarded the bus. We started out checking tents, making sure we had everything we needed, and getting ready to go on our week-long adventure. One day later, we boarded a coach bus, finally on our way to Niagara Falls.

First, we stopped at a museum where we learned about the Woodstock Festival of 1969. After that, we re-boarded the bus and drove to our first campsite. That night, we stayed up Trip Week - Campingtalking and laughing late into the night. Everyone, old and new friends, got closer as a shichva (age group).

This was trip week—bonding, laughing, and playing. When we arrived at Niagara Falls and saw one of the seven natural wonders of the world, we couldn’t help having a collective feeling of awe. Finally, on Thursday, everyone felt that homesickness, but not for Texas, or New York, or even Connecticut, but for Tel Yehudah, our home away from home. It’s crazy how fast time has flown since we got back, and I know that all of us already can’t wait to come back next year for Yachad.
