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Tel Yehudah Stories

David Malinovsky

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This summer I have been in Bonim in the Havurah program. From my experience, I feel that Bonim works to build character, helps campers mature as a group and helps the entire chug find their Jewish roots and explore their Zionist identity. These skills, I believe, are very important to move on to Hadracha next year where we learn leadership skills and learn about ourselves as Jewish individuals. Bonim keeps Judaism and Israel close to our hearts.


It was on trip week during backpacking where I had a lot of time to think and I decided that I as a Jew had the commitment to do tzedakah – charity. This is something that I will bring home and not only spread to Jews, but to non-Jews, as well, so that truly the whole community will participate. If it wasn’t for Bonim, I would not have learned any of these important lessons which I’m sure I will use later in life.

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